(When the Force Scale option is selected, the modified log be displayed and printed with the scale entered. These changes are temporary. The log will revert to the original scale when the box is unchecked.)

Temporarily change the ROP column to any scale. The new scale will be reflected throughout the entire log while the check box is checked. The value chosen will be the high end of the scale. There are 3 major divisions in the ROP column, so choose one that is easily divisible by 3... For example 3 or  6 or  9 (multiples or  1.5 work well also.  1.5 or 4.5 or 7.5 ect.)

Temporarily change the Gas column to any scale. The new scale will be reflected throughout the entire log while the check box is checked. The value chosen will be the high end of the scale. There are 3 major divisions in the Gas column, so choose one that is easily divisible by 30... For example 30 or  60 or 90 (multiples or  15 work well also. 15 or 45 or 75 ect.)

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